Friday, May 27, 2011

Dizzy Days

Yesterday I gave the "definition" of what Meniere's Disease is. Today you get to experience it.

If you actually want to know what it feels like to have a vertigo episode sit in an office chair or stand in an open space and start spinning. Keep spinning. Spin until you can't spin anymore, and then stop. The world around you is still spinning but you have not. More than likely you will fall to the ground and start feeling nauseous. While this is happening imagine that your ears are plugged so that your hearing is impaired and there is extremely loud ringing noises in your ears. Luckily for you, it will all be over soon and you will feel back to normal again after a few minutes. But imagine you didn't know when that awful feeling was going to stop. Could be minutes or it could be days.

Honestly, I really don't recommend you do the exercise's not fun, and I don't wish this feeling on anyone, even if you do it to yourself. If you try it, I am not responsible for the outcome. Please don't cry to me if you've fallen and can't get up! Instead, I recommend you watch this short video. It is a great interpretation of what a day in the life of a Meniere's patient can feel like.

By the way, yesterday I had audiologist appointment and my hearing is still SLOWLY coming back up in my right ear! Not so much in my left though...still nearly deaf on that side. Some exciting news though! I've talked to him about starting a Meniere's support group and he is on board to help me make this happen. I'm so excited! Details to come soon!

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