Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello, and welcome!

My name is Shanon. I'm a 32 year old female living in Topeka, Kansas trying to do the best that I can, just like everyone else. I'm a wife, a mom to two furry kids, an artist and a graphic designer. I love nature and being outdoors, camping, hiking, taking pictures, reading (a new found love), cooking, baking and traveling. I have a life. But I also have Meniere's Disease. Together it can be complicated. But I take one day at a time and make it work.

If you, or someone you know has Meniere's Disease I hope you find this blog helpful. My ultimate goal in doing this to to help you, and to educate others on this condition. If you have a question, feel free to ask. If you want to share your story, please do so! One of the worst feelings Meniere's Disease can create is isolation. Not only can you feel like you're the only one out there with this condition, but there's the feeling of isolation from your friends, family and co-workers because you can't hear or because they don't understand what you're going through. It can be a lonely feeling, but it doesn't have to be. Please join me on my journey and we'll get through this thing together.

Much Love,


  1. Hi Shanon!! I'm Mayela from Mexico. I'm a 33 years old woman, married like you and also I have 2 children. I haven't been diagnostied yet, but I have most of the symptoms of Meniere's Disease. I'm glad to find your blog because is very positive! And right now I'm trying to restart to live despite this illness. I'll be your follower! (Sorry for my english)

  2. Hello Mayela!

    Thanks so much for becoming a follower and sharing your story! I'm so glad you see this as a positive place to be and I do hope that you find comfort here as you travel through your experience with Meniere's. All the best to you!
