Thursday, August 18, 2011

I can't escape!

People call them many things. Locust, cicada, harvest fly, tibicen pruinosa. Whatever you call them, most people agree, those obnoxiously loud bugs are annoying.

You know, those insects most commonly referred to as cicadas that start "singing" their extremely loud chorus in the summer evenings. Yeah, THAT's what my tinnitus sounds like in BOTH ears, usually accompanied with other various noises including humming, ringing and fax machine sounds. AHHHH! It can drive a person mad.

But, tonight I went outside and I actually felt some relief because those super loud cicadas were sort of drowning out my tinnitus. I sat outside and felt like for once, I wasn't the only one being tortured by the noise. EVERYONE could hear it. The only difference was, everyone else could escape the torture at any time by going indoors or waiting until morning for the cicadas to settle down. I on the other hand, can't escape it. It's constant. 24/7. ALL THE TIME. Luckily, it does fluctuate in intensity...but I'm not sure that's really any consolation. Sometimes it's not as loud. But when it's's SUPER loud. So loud that I have trouble sleeping, I can't think straight, or hear anything. That's how it is right now. That's how it is A LOT.

So, while it may FEEL like a bit of relief to go outside and listen to the cicadas do their thing, I'd much rather be able to go outside and JUST hear the birds sing, the thunder crash or the tree leaves blow.

Much Love,

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