Friday, September 30, 2011


Calling all Meniere's sufferers,
friends, loved ones and caregivers of
Meniere's patients.

I'm looking for guest writers for the blog. Ever since I started the blog it's always been my intention to have people be able to interact, and be able to tell your own story about "My Life with Meniere's". We want to know how it effects YOU. How long have you had it? What are your triggers? What helps you get through each day? Maybe you know someone with this disabling condition? How does it effect you to see a friend or loved one struggle? How do you cope?

If you are interested in telling your story please leave a comment below or send me a message (fookaDESIGNS at gmail dot com).

You can share whatever you like. As little or as much as you want. Share photos, stories, poems. Feel free to be anonymous if you prefer. It's up to you. All we want is to let others know they are not alone....and neither are you.

Much Love,


  1. If you are still looking for a guest blogger let me know. I can do it anytime between now and Thursday 10/20 as I am going for surgery on 10/21. If you like I can do a before and after.

  2. Yes, Jennifer I'm definitely still looking for guest bloggers. I think a before and after is a great idea!!! Feel free to send be your "before" any time at fookaDESIGNS(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks, and best of luck with your surgery!

  3. Thank you. I'll have it to you tomorrow for review.

  4. My name is Nannette. I am 53 . Have suffered with meniere's disease since the very early 90's. Mine took a big turn for the worse about 2 months ago. I just completed. 3 day ear surgery (ear perfusion where they inject steroids ). If I can be of any help, please let me know. God bless!

  5. Hello Nannette. I read about your surgery. It all sounds very interesting, and I'm interested in finding out how it all goes for you. I would love to share your story on the blog! Would you be interested in sending me a write up via email at fookaDESIGNS(at)gmail(dot)com ? Thanks so much!
