Saturday, July 2, 2011

It's HOT!

It's REALLY, REALLY hot! Like over 100 degrees hot, with a 110 degree heat index. Yeah, I'd say that's hot! I'm not sure that the heat is a trigger for Meniere's sufferers, I've actually never heard of it being a problem with this condition. But for me it only becomes a problem because I start to spend less time outside. Going outdoors is crucial for me in so many ways. For one I need to go outside purely for my own sanity. I love the outdoors and nature and as soon as I'm cooped up inside for too long it starts to pay a toll on my mood and overall health. Not only is the outdoors calming and simply enjoyable for me but it's essential for my art inspiration. My paintings and digital illustrations are filled with birds, trees, flowers, bugs and other outdoor creatures. So if I can't get outside, I can't create. And if I can't create, I'm not happy. If I'm not happy, well I start to stress, and worry, and think about my condition which snowballs and makes everything worse. My point is that the outdoors is a good distraction for me. It's also important to me that I do yoga outdoors, and go for walks and even hikes when I'm feeling good. I have to move! If I stay stagnate for too long I start to get stiff and achy which for some reason triggers a dizzy episode for me. It doesn't make much sense, and I really haven't heard of this being a problem for others with Meniere's but I've noticed it. And one of the best things someone with Meniere's can do is be in tune with their own body and notice your own triggers. I know that if I start to feel a little stiff in the back or neck that I need to move around and stretch so that I can hopefully prevent an attack before it happens. And like I said, I prefer to do these things outside if I can but once the temperatures start to climb over 100 degrees I find that VERY difficult. So my plan is to continue to do my A.M. yoga on the back deck when the sun is just coming up, and I'm going to try to squeeze in a morning walk before it gets too hot. And if I don't get my walk in before the sun is beating down on me I hope to get out for a late night stroll when the sun is setting. Avoiding the summer heat is nearly impossible but hopefully this plan will keep me sane and with less dizzy episodes. I'll let you know how it goes!

And for those of you who haven't seen this cute cartoon clip you should check it out. It's Hot in "Toe-pe-ka"! :) Stay cool friends!

Much Love,

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