Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Ugh! It can drive a person mad! Seriously, I feel like I'm going crazy.

For those of you who don't know, tinnitus is ringing or noise in the ears. Many Meniere's patients describe the noise as ringing, humming, buzzing, roaring, crickets, fax machines, etc. And sometimes it's a combination of the noises. Unfortunately, it's a constant 24/7 complaint.

For me, it's in both ears and it's there all the time but it fluctuates in it's intensity. Most days I can surprisingly forget about it or even "tune it out". But when it gets SUPER loud it's all I can hear and feels like a death sentence. Currently I'm on day 3 of the SUPER loud tinnitus. At this point I'm ready to dig my eardrums out with spoons! Of course I'm only joking...kinda! :)

Some people say that famous artist Vincent Van Gogh suffered from Meniere's disease and that it's the reason he cut off his ear.

Well, I don't think I will go to such extremes, but I'd really appreciate it if the tinnitus could just give it a rest for a bit. Or forever really! :)

Much Love,

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